Melvin Jones Fellowship
About Our Melvin Jones Fellowship Award
Lions Clubs International recognizes outstanding individuals by bestowing on them an award that is named for its founder, Melvin Jones. This Fellowship Award is the highest form of recognition and embodies humanitarian ideas consistent with the nature and purpose of Lionism. The recipient of this award becomes a model because of the exemplary service to his club and the community for which it serves.
Previous Melvin Jones Fellowship Award recipients meet each year to discuss potential award recipients. An award is not granted each year. It is instead granted only if there is a Lion who earned it. This decision is made by previous award recipients only. The Officers, Board, and other Lions do not weigh in on this decision.
We are proud to have within the Gibson City Lions Club individuals who have received the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award.
The Gibson City Lions Club is Proud of our Melvin Jones Fellows recipients. Their dedication, hard work and desire to keep our Club strong is the backbone of our members. It is with sincere gratitude, we don't say "Congratulations", we say "Thank You"
Wes Calhoun 1988-1989
Paul Sunderland 2007-2008
Doug Hager 2008-2009
Dave Kramer 2009-2010
Ron Hood 2010-2011
Glenn Cothern 2011-2012
Chris Thorp 2021-2022
Steve Hawthorne 2021-2022
Jerry Minion 2021-2022

June 11, 2022 L-R Lion Jerry Minion, Lion President Roger Cramer,
International Director Justin Faber, Lion Steve Hawthorn and Lion Chris Thorp.
Melvin Jones Fellowship Presentation.