Where There's a Need,
There's a LION
“You can’t get very far until you start doing something for someone else."
~ Melvin Jones
The Gibson City Lions Club has been meeting every Tuesday at noon since 1922. Our organization started out with 22 members and with dedication and hard work, we hope to soon be 100 members strong. We were the 17th club organized in Illinois and are the oldest club that still meets at noon. The Gibson City Lions Club has sponsored several other local clubs and is the smallest club to ever host the state Lions Convention. Lionism began in the United States in 1917 when a group of independent clubs responded to an idea presented to them by a young Chicago insurance agent, Melvin Jones.
The idea was one of service as a group to those in need without regard to politics, religion, race, or in any way the personal interest of the members. This was heralded as a departure from the trend at that time of forming clubs basically with a commercial motive. A conference was called of some 25 independent clubs on June 7, 1917, and from this meeting the organization was born.
Mission statement
To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs.