Who Are We ...
We Are Lions
Lions are ordinary people who do extraordinary things to help others and support good causes throughout Gibson City, IL. Globally we have more volunteers in more places than any other service club organization. We love to help others and make a difference in the lives we touch.
For Many Members Lionism is a Transformational Experience
Being involved in Lionism is like a journey. People join Lions for many reasons. Some because they may have been helped by Lions, some because of a family member or friend invited them, and some because it’s part of their very nature to volunteer.
Regardless of the initial calling, most members recognize early in the journey the powerful self-worth one gets from becoming part of something bigger than yourself. For many the journey of Lions is a transformational life experience.
Your 2022-2023 Gibson City Lions Club Officers
President: Dan Kearfott
1st Vice President: Matthew Ertel
2nd Vice President: Ray Lantz
3rd Vice President: Bret Egan
Secretary: Rachel Miguel
Treasurer: Jim Peters
Tail Twister: Dr. Dave Hagan
Lion Tamer: Chris Thorp
Membership: Terri Peters
Past President: Roger Cramer